Application form and procedure

The application procedure for the WCM Summer School 2025 is as follows:

From now on you can apply for the WCM Summer School 2025. Fill out the application form before June the 1st and attach a short motivation letter and Curriculum Vitae (in Word or PDF format). The motivation letter should discuss: (a) why you are interested to join the summer school and (b) why we should select you as one of the participants.

The WCM Summer School selection committee ( T. Tinga, Prof.dr. A.J.J. Braaksma and R. Basten) will review all applications and will select the best candidates. Mid june we will contact you about the outcome of your application. Upon acceptance, you will receive information on how to pay the fee. You are registered for the WCM Summer School after reception of the fee.

Master students and special WCM scholarship
For a limited number of Master students there is a special WCM scholarship available. Proof of subscription to a University is obliged.

WCM members
For silver, gold and platinum WCM members there is a discount on the general company fee (up to 3 participants).

Employees Ministry of Defense
For Defense employees there are six partial scholarships, the cost of participation is €1575 including lodging at the military barracks (excluding VAT).

Application form

Comments or questions are welcome.

Application form WCM Summer School 2025
* indicates required field

Acceptable file types: doc,docx,pdf,rtf.
Maximum file size: 10mb.

* For platinum, gold and silver partners of World Class Maintenance there is a reduced application fee (max 3 applicants per company).

**By basic lodging we mean a simple hotel. The rooms are efficiently furnished. Basic lodging is only available for master students, because of the limited availability of rooms. The cost for basic lodging, including breakfast, is €125 for a maximum of 5 nights. If basic lodging is not available you will receive information about other hotel rooms reserved by the organization.

*** Military participants can reserve their own free room at the academy. Please arrange this as soon as possible.

**** The hotel rooms are three star hotels with convenient rooms. We have an option on a certain number of rooms for early applicants (first come, first serve). After acceptance of your application, you receive a special code in order to make your booking. Hotel costs can vary but will be on average €135 per night including breakfast. You will pay the actual costs of the hotel room and will be invoiced by the hotel.

(If you apply for a scholarship, this will be considered by our application committee after closing of the application deadline)

(Permission is needed because of AVG regulations, otherwise we will not be able to process your application)