Closing event 10th – WCM Summer School LIVE

Dear guest,

Welcome to the closing event of the 10th WCM Summer School! On this page we outline the program and walk you through the main steps to undertake in order to participate online.

During the meeting we make use of two digital apps (more information on how to use the apps is provided below):
YouTube for the live stream and voting (Main event); for the information market (Virtual networking event before the Main event).


The program of the main event is as follows:

12:30 – 12:35 Welcome by Jan Braaksma, Director WCM Summer School
12:35 – 12:45 Maintenance – WCM focusing on continuation – Henk Akkermans,  Director World Class Maintenance
12:45 – 13:00   Introduction WCM Summer School case – DAES case (Heijmans/Sweco/Municipalities Enschede en Almelo) by Jan Braaksma
13:00 – 14:30 4 Minutes (timed) pitches for 7 teams (online voting for the winner!) – followed by 5 minute discussion with online comments of the audience at home (digital by posting comments/questions in Wooclap) and short physical panel reflection
14:30 – 14:45  Break and electronic election (Wooclap) for the various teams
14.45 – 15:00  Short recap final presentation winning group followed by reflection Heijmans, Sweco, Municipalities Enschede and Almelo on overall case outcomes
15:00 – 15.15   Hand-over certificates participants WCM Summer School 2021
15:15    Online event closes

From 13:00 the participants of the Summer School will present their solutions to the DAES case they have been working on this week. After their presentations we invite YOU to vote for the best one. Which solution was the most insightful? The most feasible? The most creative? You can let us know by submitting your vote! In order to vote, please have your mobile phone ready.


Before the main event, you are cordially invited to a virtual networking event. If you’re thinking “Effective networking during the Covid pandemic? That’s impossible!”, well, you are about to be proven wrong! The Summer School has created a virtual environment that is just like the real thing: you walk around, pick a table and join the conversation. All virtually! You only need to bring your own drinks and “borrelnootjes”…

To achieve this, we use the application. In, you walk around with a ‘Mario’ like avatar over a terrass with tables. At every table other participants are having a conversation or presentation that you can join. Once you join, you will be sent automatically to a private video call with only those participants. You will need your webcam and microphone to communicate with the participants. When you want to leave the conversation / presentation, with the press of a button you can go back to the terace and walk to another table of your choice with your avatar. That’s it! See the video below for a demo of the application.

You can use in your browser or download the desktop app after clicking the link below. Again, please mind that you need a webcam and headset (just as in regular Teams/Zoom sessions) for communication with guests and participants.

The password for the link is summerschool
(link and program can already be tested).

Upon entering the virtual terrass, you will be welcomed by one of two avatars, used by two of our Summer School colleagues, in order to greet you and show you the way.

See for demonstration of Gather:

We look forward to meet you!